i'm currently watching:
-TOS (season 2)
-all of TNG
-all of DS9
-first contact


currently reading:
-section 31: abyss by david weddle & jeffrey lang
-avatar: books 1 & 2 by s.d. perry
-revenant by alex white


name: jay grace
age: 23
pronouns: xe/xem , they/them , he/him , it/its
gender: nonbinary
species: human
status: alive
other: i'm a white butch lesbian, im autistic, a furry, and a data kinnie (like, for realsies. im dead serious)

@omicrontheyta is my star trek twitter and @butchdogthing is my art twitter.
all my trek art can be found here.

please don't follow or interact with me if youre like, "pro-ship" or "FUB-free" or anything like that. also don't if you're a centrist/conservative/whatever.
>here< is where you can read more about shit that will make me block you.

fuck starfleet

trek writers/producers/etc are cowardly and complicit for the lack (or varying levels of) condemnation shown toward matters like colonization and war.racist, antisemitic, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, ableist, and otherwise bigoted choices+depictions have been made throughout the history of star trek's production and it's every fan's responsibility to refuse to accept it.i believe in aspects of anarchy and communism, and i’m anti-capitalist, anti-cop, anti-prison, anti-racism, anti-military, anti-zionist, anti-psychiatry. no, that doesnt mean i'm trying to take your SSRIs away, and yes, i hate your cop uncle.
i believe in LGBT rights, BIPOC rights, disability rights, intersex rights, sex workers’ rights, rights for children and the elderly, the neurodiversity and Mad Pride movements, fat acceptance, decriminalization of drugs, and free + accessible food / shelter / healthcare / education.

i won't like you, agree with you, or want to talk to you if you:

  • ship data/lore, or anything else involving incest

  • are a TERF, radfem, febfem, gender critical feminist, JKR fan, or if you hang out with them

  • are a transmedicalist / truscum

  • are pro-ship / comship / anti-anti / anti-fanpol / "dead dove do not eat" / P.E.A.R. or anything like that (here's why i say this)

  • are into NFTs / bitcoin

  • are a babyfur or "map"

  • are a bioessentialist, or believe that there are certain pronouns/traits that are tied/restricted to certain genders in particular (i.e., estrogen is female, he/him pronouns are male, things like that)

  • support the police or military

  • are a centrist, libertarian, or right-wing

  • support Autism Speaks

  • like 4lung

  • like pewdiepie

  • are against self-diagnosis

  • are someone who defends any of these things listed above

  • are a little TOO into the aesthetics or politics of starfleet

i will most likely block you if it seems to me that any of this applies to you. please feel free to message me if you find that i'm following someone who is any of the above or is otherwise shitty.

data / geordi
picard / q
julian / garak
julian / miles
julian / data
kira / keiko
kirk / spock (duh!)

question: "you hate 'pro-ship' people? does that mean you think it's wrong to ship two characters together?"
answer: not at all! they didn't have garak eat julian bashir's pussy on national television just for us to pretend it didnt happen!

to explain why i position myself against "pro-ship" shit:in my experience, a venn diagram of "people who choose to self-describe with terms like pro-ship / comship / anti-anti / anti-fanpol / 'dead dove do not eat' / P.E.A.R." and "people who sexualize abuse, pedophilia, rape, incest, and so on" tends to have a ton of overlap. i think those things are nasty and fucked up and wrong and i don't think it's ok. i'm not interested in hearing arguments to the contrary.i think certainly not every person who puts shit like "FUB free" in their bio or whatever is a bad person, but, i don't like to take my chances, so if there's any sliver of doubt in my mind about what precisely a person's stance on this shit is then i take it as a red flag.